Angus Thomson

Having spent years chasing my tail on the land farming and establishing our Gladstone vineyard, it was time for the next chapter in my life, and for me to make family my priority.

After a year away from the life of farming, I became restless and found myself eager to embark on a project that would fill my time and challenge me creatively.

Searching back to my childhood I remembered all the fun evenings after school crafting things. We had classes in woodwork, basket making, pottery and more. In my latter years at school you would always find me missing maths or science, happily building something in the woodwork and metal shop.

A few years later my wife asked me on a jewellery making course. After a couple of hours I was hooked. The rest as they, is history. I now fill my days happily creating unique jewellery from Silver and Gold, sometimes embellished with copper or brass. I also have a love for rocks, so adding stones to my jewellery is something love exploring. A lot of the inspiration I get is from nature - textured and hammered.

I hope you enjoy what you see as I so enjoy making it.